Previous Workshops

Short Description
AI as means to improve education received much attention on a global scale lately and events are co- located with main AI conferences (such as IJCAI or AAAI). Education as an application domain of AI encompasses manifold use cases and specialised settings, ranging from early education to advanced university programs.
This workshop has been hold the first time at ECAI 2023. It aims to bring together researchers investigating, developing, or exploring AI techniques in AI education. We aim to provide a platform for exchange of ideas and experiences under the general theme of AI for education specialising on university education in AI. Besides researchers with a background in AI, we encourage interdisciplinary contributions from cognitive science and education technology.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- automated feedback and recommendations
- AI-supported grading
- chatbots and QA as tutors
- inductive procedure learning
- learning by analogy
- explanatory dialogs
- cognitive aspects of teaching and learning
Submission Information
We invite submissions of- technical papers (full papers with 12 pages + references)
- technical papers (short papers with 6 pages + references)
- summary papers (short papers with 6 pages + references)
- application or demo papers (6 pages + references)
via EasyChair.
Submission should be in LNCS format.
Technical papers present novel ideas or finding and position results in context of AI-enhanced education of AI. For research-in-progress, submission of short papers are welcome. We particularly encourage young researchers to submit. We also invite authors who recently published results of interest to this workshop to submit a short summary paper which highlights the results and explains relevance. Application contributions present the use or evaluation of AI techniques in an educational context. Evaluations can range from technology oriented (e.g. address software functioning in operational contexts) to human oriented (e.g. address usability or effects of use). Demos focus on (novel) implementations put into practise. They can be ‘proof of concepts’, but also mature products. Contributions typically address the ‘extras’ needed to achieve a useful implementation.
Accepted papers will be published as CoRR Proceedings in cs.AI.
Important Dates
- CFP: 30.05.2024
- Submission Deadline: 01.07.2024
- Notifications: 31.07.2024
- Camera-Ready: 20.08.2024
- Early Registration Deadline: 20.08.2024
- Workshop Date: 24.09.2024
Invited Speakers
- Invited: 45min
- Full: 20min
- Short: 10min
09:00am | Welcome by the Organisers | |
09:15am | Invited Talk: AI-Driven Educational Technology for Computational Thinking and Programming Adish Singla, Ph. D. | |
10:15am - 10:30am | Short Paper Talk | |
Diagnosing Algorithms by Abduction from Manual Simulation Moritz Bayerkuhnlein and Diedrich Wolter | ||
10:30am - 11:00am | Coffee Break | |
11:00am - 12:30pm | Full Paper Talks | |
Large Language Models as Domain-independent Dialogue Component for Intelligent Tutoring Systems – Teaching Concepts of SQL Adrian Voelker, Anna M. Thaler, Maximilian T. Summerer and Ute Schmid | ||
Understanding Text-to-Image Generation Silvia Joachim and Martin Hennecke | ||
Chat with your Lecture Recording – Creating easy-to-use Chatbots for Learning Videos Sebastian Hobert | ||
12:30pm - 2:00pm | Lunch break | |
02:00pm - 03:00pm | Invited Talk: AI in Education – The Emperor’s New Clothes? (cancelled) Prof. Dr. Marc Berges | |
03:00pm - 04:15pm | Short Paper Talks | |
For What Tasks and Purpose Do Computer Science Students Use Code Generators -- Preliminary Results of an Online-Study Sonja Niemann and Ute Schmid | ||
Applying Ariadne: Practical Insights into Learning Style Identification via Hidden Markov Models Flemming Bugert, Dominik Bittner, Timur Ezer, Vamsi Krishna Nadimpalli, Susanne Staufer, Florian Hauser, Robert Maier, Lisa Grabinger and Juergen Prof. Dr. Mottok | ||
04:15pm | Final Discussion and Wrap-Up | |
05:15pm | (latest) End of Workshop |
Program Commitee
- Jörg Abke (TH Aschaffenburg, Germany)
- Ken Forbus (Northwestern, USA)
- Peter Gerjets (Tübingen, Germany)
- Noah Goodman (Stanford, USA)
- Michael Granitzer (Passau, Germany)
- Sumit Gulwani (Microsoft, USA)
- Johan Jeuring (Utrecht, Netherlands)
- Michael Kohlhase (Erlangen, Germany)
- Gerhard Lakemeyer (RWTH Aachen, Germany)
- Jochen L. Leidner (Coburg, Germany / Sheffield, UK)
- Jelena Mitrovic (Passau, Germany)
- Tanja Mitrovic (Christchurch, New Zealand)
- Ulrike Padó (Stuttgart, Germany)
- Katharina Scheiter (Potdam, Germany)
- Johannes Schleiss (Potsdam, Germany)
- Ute Schmid (Bamberg, Germany)
- Tobias Schmohl (TH OWL, Germany)
- Ulrik Schroeder (RWTH Aachen, Germany)
- Adish Singla (MPI Saarbrücken, Germany)
- Doris Wessel (Kiel, Germany)
- Maria Wirzberger (Stuttgart, Germany)
- Diedrich Wolter (Lübeck, Germany)